Getting Present with My Writing

I love to write! This is an absolute. However, at this juncture of my life, I feel as if I am fighting against the tide and time to do what my heart loves. My time is not my own. I love to create words, find out what they really mean and understand how I am actually communicating. I have discovered that communication is inevitable and how it is done is highly important. You naturally do it often with words but there are times when you do it with action.

My hope is to continuously make myself aware of how I am communicating. How am I communicating with God, family & friends, with my readers and how I am communicating with my legacy? Yes. I believe it is possible to communicate with your legacy. My legacy will say something about me and I desire for it to be the right message. We are often so busy with life that we never think about what we will leave behind.

I desire to leave my writing behind, like many of the Philosophers, Maya Angelou, Shakespeare, and many others whose words are still impactful. Let us not leave a blank page behind. Fill all of the blank pages put before you. Make the time to write and be present. Be in the moment with your writing.