Transparent: The Jacket…

I recently brought a jacket. It was the perfect purchase. It was on sale and it was something I always wanted. How could I go wrong? I put the jacket on in the presence of my daughter. She immediately said, “No!” It was not about the style of the jacket or the type of jacket, it was the fit, for her. It was actually the fit for me too. It was too small, LOL. For me, it was too small in the physical fit and it was too small in the style. I would have worn this jacket when I was much younger.

My style of dress had changed. I no longer could relate to the style the jacket represented. I wanted the jacket. It was something I wanted years back but could not afford. I realized it was time to let go. It was time to let go of the style and the hopes of me actually wearing a jacket like that. “I am too mature for this style,” I said to myself as I squeezed out of the jacket. This is when I realized God’s process of elevation.

In life, some circumstances and situations become too small to be involved. You have outgrown the need responses to the situation or circumstance. You need to let it go. Move on to situations or circumstances more applicable to who you are now, not who you were years ago. Some jokes just my not be as funny as they would have been years ago. You are not in the same place. Honestly, there are times we grow up and don’t even realize it has happened. The thing you use to do, the thing that fit you well, no longer works for you. You are so very much over it.


You would never repeat hairstyles from way back when. I know I will never be getting a Jeri curl. That is a style past its time. I know I would look pretty silly in a bob hair style or even a feathered look. Growing up and realizing somethings just should not be done again takes a great measure of maturity. Along with being in the wrong size jacket, I outgrew the style of the jacket. It is so funny how many parents tell you, “you can do that when you get grown” or “buy it yourself when you get grown.” Well, I can now testify that getting when you get older for somethings is just not realistic.

I have been elevated to a new level in my life by the grace of God and old things truly have to pass away, behold all things are new (II Corin. 5:17). I am in no way sad about leaving things behind. It works. Although I loved riding a big wheel when I was young…it is just not cute now. Allow your elevation to work for you. Enjoy the new places you can go, do, and be at this next level. Feel free to adopt your own new style. It worth it.

By the way, I brought the jacket and brought it home to try on. HA! Ha! Ha! The joke was on me. Of course, I took the jacket back to the store.